sexta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2017

Portugal, Politics, Fires… Convenience and Strategies

Last summer hell came down in Portugal. It all started in Pedrogão a small city/village surrounded by forest and somewhat isolated from “civilization”.  Somehow in the “perfect time frame a supposed “lightning” from a dry storm reached a tree and started this fire. A fire that in seconds spread through the entire region and came near houses and roads. People started running from the fire other preferred to try to save their houses and goods, none of them thought of what was the price to pay for each choice made.

The ones that were to their cars… they entered a road with no return as the fire surrounded the cars and burned all hopes by taking their life’s… the ones that stayed at home had almost the same “luck” as the fire devoured their houses and destroyed all in seconds.

A couple of weeks later almost in the start of autumn another fire in de region of Leiria started… Once again with no knowledge of what really deployed the fire, but with the same ending as the fire searched for fuel and destroyed one of the most important forests in Portugal as the pinhal of Leiria was almost doomed.

This pinhal was seeded by D. Dinis in the XIII century as per the need to build the boats that would lead to the discoveries to India and bring the spices to Europe.

700 years destroyed in 24h.

Is sad to see that something that was seeded so long ago was destroyed in a couple of… hours.
 Now, the question is why? Who did this? With what purpose?
The dark side of the story could be corporative interest and also political and economic.


As the trees that were seeded on Portugal long ago, were pinheiros, a tree that has no real value for the production of paper and that was changed for eucalyptus in the early years. This kind of tree is very useful for cellulose that is the perfect ingredient for the production of paper. The worst about this tree is the fact that needs lots of water to grow and also destroys the ground as it dries it and takes all the nutrients needed for the rest of the plants to grow.

As the factories need more cellulose they need to seed more eucalyptus and for that they need land to make them grow… the rest… well I let you to make the thinking.

Poor of   the people that had to pay the price of the greed of others, poor of the fire fighters that gave their life to save others.

Shame on the government that applied several hundreds of Euros on the SIRESP technology to prevent catastrophe and did not work… shame on the people that profit from this kind of situations and even for those that go plunder the rests of what was destroyed.

Shame on the government that did not applied all the options they had with shoppers, plains and military help.

Something must change, we are in a season of lack of water, almost winter and still no rain on the near days. No water in the dams the rivers are starting to dry.

Are the dark ages back again?


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